10 Vegetables Name in English, Hindi, Scientific with Pictures and Chart

    What is Vegetable ?

    Vegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food. Vegetables can be eaten either raw or cooked and play an important role in human nutrition, being mostly low in fat and carbohydrates, but high in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Eating vegetables every day is important for health.

    10 Vegetables name list in Hindi and English with Pictures and Scientific Name

    Vegetable Name Meaning in Hindi Scientific Name Pictures
    Bitter Gourd करेला Momordica charantia
    Brinjal बैंगन Solanaceae
    Capsicum शिमला मिर्च Capsicum
    Cauliflower फूलगोभी Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
    Jackfruit कटहल Artocarpus heterophyllus
    Lady Finger (Okra) भिण्डी Abelmoschus esculentus
    Mushroom मशरूम Agaricus bisporus
    Potato आलू Solanum tuberosum
    Pumpkin कद्दू Cucurbita
    Tomato टमाटर Solanum lycopersicum L.

    Vegetables Name and their Health benefits

    ► #1. Bitter Gourd (करेला)

    ◆ Health benefits of Bitter Gourd (करेला के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Bitter gourd is rich in vitamin A and C.

    ⦿ It is also full of antioxidants, zinc, and potassium.

    ⦿ Bitter gourd is a fibre-rich food, which means it bulks up stool and eases digestion and assimilation of foods.

    ⦿ The anti-inflammatory properties and high vitamin C content of bitter gourd help in maintaining a healthy body, protecting it from various infections and illnesses.

    ⦿ The strong antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Bitter Gourd aids in purification of the blood, which helps in promoting skin health. Bitter gourd is also efficient in curing various skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.

    ► #2. Brinjal (बैंगना)

    ◆ Health benefits of Brinjal (बैंगन के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Brinjal is a very rich source of fiber and low soluble carbohydrates. Thus they are highly beneficial for regulation of blood sugar levels and also to control the absorption of glucose.

    ⦿ Brinjal contains phytonutrients which keep the cell membranes protected from any kind of damage and facilitates the message transfer from one part to another, thus preserving the memory function.

    ⦿ Brinjal helps in stabilizing the blood pressure levels and also brings down cholesterol levels. Being rich in Vitamin B-6, fiber, Potassium, and Phytonutrients like flavonoids, Brinjal helps is good for heart health.

    ⦿ Brinjal is considered to be high in water content yet low in calorie count. This feature makes it very ideal as a healthy diet for people who want to reduce weight.

    ► #3. Capsicum (शिमला मिर्च)

    ◆ Health benefits of Capsicum (शिमला मिर्च के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Capsicum, rich in vitamins A and C, is a very good source of antioxidants. Along with this, it is also very beneficial in the prevention of heart-related diseases, asthma and cataract.

    ⦿Capsicum contains a very small amount of calories, which is helpful in weight loss. This increases the process of metabolism. Along with burning calories, it does not allow cholesterol levels to rise.

    ⦿ Capsicum contains elements called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are considered good for the eyes. Eyes can be kept healthy by consuming green capsicum.

    ⦿ Green capsicum is helpful in removing anemia deficiency. Capsicum is considered a good source of iron and vitamins. Iron deficiency can be overcome by its consumption.

    ► #4. Cauliflower (फूलगोभी)

    ◆ Health benefits of Cauliflower (फूलगोभीा के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Cholesterol levels can be kept under control by the consumption of cauliflower. It is believed that hypocholesterolemic elements are found in cabbage. Which can help in reducing cholesterol level.

    ⦿ The properties of protein and vitamins are found in Cauliflower. Which can help strengthen bones. Vitamin K is believed to be helpful in protecting against damage to bones.

    ⦿ Molecules called isothiocyanates are found naturally in Cauliflower. This molecule can help in keeping the heart healthy. Vegetables can work to protect against cardiovascular disease ie heart diseases. Eating cauliflower is considered beneficial for the heart.

    ► #5. Jackfruit (कटहला)

    ◆ Health benefits of Jackfruit (कटहला के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Jackfruit is considered good for immunity. Vitamin C is found in jackfruit and vitamin-C works as an effective antioxidant, which can help strengthen immunity.

    ⦿ Jackfruit is considered good for bones. You can include jackfruit in your diet to get relief from weak bones. The magnesium present in jackfruit strengthens the bone and can protect against the problem of osteoporosis.

    ⦿ Jackfruit is considered very beneficial for heart health. The potassium present in jackfruit can help prevent heart attacks by controlling blood pressure.

    ⦿ Jackfruit can also help in getting rid of the problem of constipation, by removing ulcers and digestive problems.

    ► #6. Lady Finger (Okra) (भिण्डीा)

    ◆ Health benefits of Lady Finger (Okra) (भिण्डी के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Lady Finger (Okra) contains beta carotene which can help in improving eyesight. Eyes can be kept healthy by consuming Lady Finger in summer.

    ⦿ Lady Finger (Okra) has anti-obesity properties which can help in controlling your weight.

    ⦿ Eugenol, found in Lady Finger (Okra), can prove to be very beneficial for diabetes. The level of sugar in the body can be reduced by the consumption of Lady Finger.

    ⦿ Consuming Lady Finger (Okra) in summer can help in boosting immunity.

    ► #7. Mushroom (मशरूम)

    ◆ Health benefits of Mushroom (मशरूम के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Mushrooms are considered good for diabetics. Because it has the properties of controlling sugar label along with carbohydrates. Diabetic patients can include it in their diet.

    ⦿ Mushrooms are low in calories and fat. By which the weight can be controlled.

    ⦿ Mushrooms are considered good for digestion. Mushrooms contain polysaccharides, which act as prebiotics. Mushroom can help to overcome stomach problems.

    ⦿ Antioxidants and phytochemicals found in mushrooms make it antibacterial and antifungal, which can help protect against seasonal infections and strengthen immunity.

    ⦿Folic acid and iron are found in good amounts in mushrooms, which can help in increasing the level of hemoglobin.

    ► #8. Potato (आलू)

    ◆ Health benefits ofPotato (आलू के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Potatoes contain elements of vitamin B and niacin (Vitamin B-3), which can help in getting rid of the problem of gas.

    ⦿ Potatoes contain a good amount of fiber which makes your stomach feel full for a long time. Due to which you can avoid consuming more calories by eating again and again.

    ⦿ Potatoes are considered very good for bones. The properties of calcium, calories and carbohydrates are found in potatoes, which are considered beneficial for bones.

    ⦿ Vitamin C is found in good quantities in potatoes. Vitamin C is helpful in strengthening immunity. Apart from this, the properties of fiber and antioxidants are also found in potatoes which can help in boosting immunity.

    ► #9. Pumpkin (कद्दू)

    ◆ Health benefits of Pumpkin (कद्दू के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc. It is effective in improving the immune system and keeps it safe from infections like viral, cold-cough-cold. Apart from this, it is also helpful in removing depression.

    ⦿ Pumpkin seeds have been considered better for men. The amount of zinc present in it is a very important component for the prostate gland.

    ⦿ It is very good to take some pumpkin seeds before sleeping. Consuming pumpkin seeds reduces stress and improves sleep.

    ► #10. Tomato (टमाटर)

    ◆ Health benefits of Bitter Gourd (टमाटर के स्वास्थ्य लाभ)

    ⦿ Tomato is considered a good source of fiber, fiber can prove to be helpful to a great extent in weight control.

    ⦿ Tomato juice is rich in lycopene, beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin-C, flavonoids, folate and vitamin-E, which may prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes from increasing.

    ⦿ Consuming tomatoes can also be beneficial for the brain. According to research, the lycopene present in tomatoes can also be helpful in preventing serious diseases like Alzheimer's.

    ► Disclaimer: Padhega India Online does not confirm the methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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